Since April 2023, we have been experiencing eclipses on the Aries–Libra axis, meaning that other than some residual eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio, the eclipses that have occurred during the past year and change have been in either Aries or Libra.
Now, on September 17th, we have a full moon in Pisces, which will also mark the first eclipse of the next cycle, on the Virgo-Pisces axis. A lunar eclipse is like an especially intense full moon. Be prepared for big emotional releases, and especially with it being Pisces, the most watery of the water signs, we may all be feeling extra sensitive and intuitive, with moodiness, crying jags, and circumvented boundaries abounding.
This eclipse in Pisces on the 17th will then be answered by a solar eclipse two weeks later, but that one will be back in Libra, so it will represent a continuation of the Aries-Libra stories that have been playing out for the past year and a half.
During the interim between eclipses, time blurs a little bit. To borrow evocative words from one of my very favorite writers of all time, Cookie Mueller, a Pisces queen herself, it’s like “walking through clear water in a pool painted black.”
In a semi-awake liminal dream state a couple nights ago, I had what I thought at the time was a crystalline, piercing realization: that the interim between eclipses is kind of like when Evie used to touch her fingers together and stop time in late 80s sitcom Out of this World. Do people remember that show? Another syndicated sitcom, Small Wonder, still gets some nostalgic online chatter every now and then for it’s true WTFness, as a show about a programmable robot daughter should. But Out of this World, which focused on a teenage girl who was half alien, had special powers, and who communicated with her alien father through a very 80s looking glass cube, doesn’t get remembered enough. The theme song was also a true banger.
Anyway, time doesn’t really stop between eclipses, but it can feel a little untethered to our usual reality. It’s a time where things happen to us, instead of us making things happen. It feels a little like the liminal half-awake dream state in which one taps into some dark recess of their brain and conjures thoughts of a long forgotten sitcom about being half-alien, as if it’s an epiphany. And with eclipses as harbingers of major beginnings and endings, we often come out of eclipse time feeling like, what the hell just happened?
How impactful an individual eclipse is on your own life largely depends on where it falls in your natal chart in relation to your planetary placements. So, if you have a personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or angle (ascendant, descendant, midheaven, or IC), at or near 25/26 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius (the mutable signs), this week could be an especially be an eventful time for you. For those without one of the eclipses of a particular axis hitting something in their natal charts directly, the events tied to that eclipse cycle are usually slow burns.
This week you’ll start to see the seeds of the stories that will flower between now and February 2027. This will be the first eclipse in Pisces since 2017. If you think back to the period from March 2015 to March 2017 and recall the transitions and changes that occurred in your life during that time, you may get a preview of the themes to come. Read below for your rising sign to learn more about how the eclipses in Pisces & Virgo may show up for you over the next few years.
Pisces & Virgo risings: The eclipses occurring in Pisces and Virgo are in the parts of your chart that deal with the self and partnership. It’s about the balance between “me” and “us.” You may, over the course of the next few years, experience some profound changes that inform how you think about yourself or that cause you to grow up or evolve in a major way. It could be a change in your partnership status, whether that’s beginning a relationship with someone new or ending an existing relationship. Or it could be that some major happens in your partner’s life. And it’s not just about romantic relationships either; it can also be about best friendships, creative partnerships, or any kind of committed, two-person pairing.
Aries & Libra risings: Your health, both physical and mental, could be affected during this eclipse cycle. As an example, the most recent eclipses in these parts of my chart coincided with my decision to take concrete steps (through modern medicine) to improve my mental health after some intense bouts of anxiety. These zodiacal houses also represent work and labor, pets, and solitude, so it’s possible that you’ll see new beginnings and endings with regard to one of these areas of your life. Do you adopt a dog or cat that lifts you out of a depression? Very possible!
Taurus & Scorpio risings: These eclipses will be taking place across the areas of your chart that are associated with creativity, pleasure, and children, and friendships, social groups, and community. It can represent a push and pull between self-indulgent pursuits and focus on the collective. There may be changes in your life in one of these areas that lead to adjustments or complement the other. Maybe your desire to tap into your creative yearnings lead you to join an artist’s collective. Maybe you sacrifice your more leisurely free time pursuits to take on more responsibility in a community group. Maybe you have a child and find yourself withdrawing from one social circle and participating more heavily in another, parent-focused circle. These are just a few different ways eclipses in your 5th and 11th houses could manifest.
Gemini & Sagittarius risings: Changes in your home life, your family, or stories about your ancestry may unfold during these eclipses, counterbalanced by developments in your career or public facing life. This could mean that over the next couple years, there are needs in your family that take precedence, and your career focus shifts accordingly. Or it could be that due to a change in your career, your living situation evolves; maybe you move to pursue a job opportunity, or a new job allows you to upgrade your housing. From my own personal life, I’ve been experiencing the Aries-Libra eclipses in this part of my chart, and I’ve learned a lot about how to leverage my career to allow me the flexibility I need to spend more time with family that lives far away, and I’ve also been much more transient during this period, giving me a new way of thinking about the concept of “home.”
Cancer & Capricorn risings: This cycle will occur in your 3rd and 9th houses. Each house encompasses a few different areas of life, so there are a bunch of possibilities of how the beginnings and endings accompanying these eclipses could play out. The 3rd house signifies communication, your daily life, your neighborhood and neighbors, domestic travel, siblings, and education. The 9th is about higher ed, teaching, learning, philosophy, spirituality, religion, and long distance travel and journeys. So there’s a whole host of areas you could see evolution in during this cycle. Boiling it down simply, I think of this axis about the local and the global, so you may see endings in one area due to new beginnings or shifted focus in the other.
Leo & Aquarius risings: Financial changes could be afoot, either in the way you earn your living or the amount of income you are earning. It could also mean changes to a partner’s livelihood and/or earnings. Most of the significations of the 2nd and 8th houses have to do with finances, either our own or the way others’ finances affect us, via shared resources, debts, or inheritances. However, the eclipses could instead coincide with new perspectives on that which you value, which could come from confronting the inherited traumas or baggage that you carry.
These eclipse readings are based on my interpretation of the astrological significations of eclipses and the various houses of the zodiac, so as always, take them with a grain of salt. Astrology isn’t fortune telling. But it’s exciting to think about the changes that could come with this new set of eclipses. I hope the new eclipse cycle brings the best for those of you reading!